Tea Bag Fertiliser

I read somewhere that used tea bags are good and nutritious for your plants, So I gave it a go, I collected about 10 tea bags that I used over a couple of days in a pot and then one weekend I planted some flowers that I had been wanting to plant for a while but never got round to, All I did was spread the tea bags out in the soil I was using then planted the flowers. That was about a month ago now, Since then my flowers have blossomed quickly and are looking beautiful, I would say this is worth doing and literally doesn’t cost anything (apart from the tea bags you were going to use anyway)

tea bag fertiliser

Nail Varnish Holder

This idea of mine sprung to mind when I realised I have way to many nail varnishes and not enough space.. My side board in my bedroom is a velour material which is perfect to use with Velcro. I found some Velcro Strips that were hanging around (make sure if you do this that they are double sided) All I did was stick the Velcro onto the side board and then stick some onto the nail varnishes. Now I have a handy wall of nail varnishes all stuck to the wall and not in a clutter which makes it so much easier to find if I am looking for a particular colour. (I also colour-coordinated these as my OCD kicked in a bit)

Let me know in the comments if you are going to try this or have done anything similar 🙂

velcro nail varnish